1340 Gaskins Road
Unit 12
Richmond, VA 23238 USA
Course Description:
This two part series will discuss two common pathologies of the Achilles, tendinopathy and tendon rupture. Achilles Tendinopathy presents an enormous clinical challenge due to high prevalence and chronic nature of the pathology. Exercise rehabilitation is considered to have the highest evidence for effectiveness as treatment, yet many patients struggle with pain and symptoms for a long time. This webinar aims to give an overview on how injury and exercise affects the tendon, discuss the presence of subgroups of patients and how to individualize the treatment from initial injury to return to sport. Achilles tendon rupture is an acute injury that mostly occurs without any preceding symptoms or warnings. This presentation will describe the injury mechanism and risk factors for injury. It will guide you through the decision making for determining if treatment should be surgical and non-surgical, and/or early or late mobilization. We will provide a detailed description of how to design the rehabilitation program in the early and late stages along with simple clinical methods for evaluating the recovery of the patient.
CEU Credits: 4.000
Type of Course: Homestudy
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Jan 1, 2025 to Dec 31, 2025