CEUL148405 - Physical Therapy: Reducing Fall Risks for Older Adults

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500 11th Avenue North
Nashville, TN  37203  USA

Course Description:

Welcome to this course, Physical Therapy: Reducing Fall Risks for Older Adults. As people age, they experience a higher fall rate than younger populations. When older adults do fall, they are more likely to become injured and experience increased morbidity compared to the general population. Older adults can mitigate this risk, improve mobility, and enhance their overall quality of life through exercise and physical activity. There are four types of exercise trainings: aerobic exercises, which increase breathing and heart rate; strength exercises, which improve muscle performance; balance training, to improve coordination; and flexibility exercises, which keep the body limber.

All older adult patients are not alike, however. Frail older adults may live in institutions or other settings that give some level of care support, while others still live independently. Each group has unique characteristics that should be addressed to maximize their function and quality of life. Older adults may also have special exercise needs after completing physical therapy even if they do receive some level of support from the facility in which they live. This course discusses both how exercise is linked to fall prevention and the physical therapy professional’s role in creating exercise programs that positively improve the older adult patient’s balance, strength, reaction time, and functional ability while reducing their fall risk, in both institutional and community settings.

Please note: This continuing education/professional development activity was planned for physical therapists. Completing this course does not authorize you to add any skill discussed in the content to your practice if this function is not included in your current scope of practice.

Format: Online, Self-Study

CEU Credits: 1.000

Type of Course: Online Only

Course Dates To Be Offered:

Jan 1, 2024 to Dec 31, 2025


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