1751 Mound St
Sarasota, FL 34236 USA
Course Description:
This course is specific to treating male patients for pelvic therapists who have already taken Level 1 Pelvic Examination and Bladder Control. Urinary control, prostate function, chronic pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction and sexual health are covered. The Male Pelvic Health course expands on pelvic health topics introduced in Level 1. Urinary conditions including weak stream, postmicturition dribble due to BPH, and post prostatectomy incontinence, are discussed in this class. Pre and post surgical interventions as well as the medical aspects of prostate cancer testing and management are also clearly described, including prostate specific antigen testing, Gleason scores, and any recent updates in recommended medical screening. This live course will cover male pelvic pain conditions including prostatitis which is often linked with chronic pelvic pain, testicular and scrotal pain, penile pain, and pelvic floor muscle related conditions. Men who experience pelvic muscle dysfunction including pain or weakness often experience sexual dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction hard flaccid syndrome and Peyronie's Disease will be presented with treatment guidelines. This continuing education course includes lectures and labs, utilizing simulators and live video external and internal muscle palpation, myofascial release, neural techniques and reeducation techniques.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Nov 15, 2025 to Nov 16, 2025 | Denver CO