1751 Mound St
Sarasota, FL 34236 USA
Course Description:
A two-day hands-on evidence-based course covering patient specific treatment of hip pain and dysfunction affecting the athlete through to the elderly.
Physical therapists, as premier musculoskeletal clinicians, provide effective treatment to this region in addition to other hip interplays in the orthopedic outpatient clinic, nursing home and on the sports field. The current treatment model for hip pain and dysfunction is heavily reliant upon radiological examination, medication and surgery. This underutilizes current evidence-based physical therapy evaluation, and treatment options.
This comprehensive, patient specific course covers functional evaluation identifying primary causes of dysfunction and assessing contributions from other areas of the body. Hip dysfunction is often effected by poor stability or muscle function of the hip stabilizers and or the lumbo-pelvic region, including the pelvic floor. Assessment of these areas and functional exercise programs addressing these are taught. Effective manual therapy techniques are taught and enhanced with correct exercise progression utilizing closed chain and anti-gravity rationale when possible. Conditions addressed include AFI, pre-OA, and OA, Labral tears, THA and tendinopathies. This treatment program is appropriate for the young athlete, to the middle-aged woman with lateral hip pain, and the elderly.
The participant will acquire the skills to become a competent and effective provider of care for the conditions that effect and are effected by the hip.
The work of world leaders in hip rehabilitation such as Dr. Jill Cook PhD, Dr. Allison Grimaldi PhD, Dr. Carolyn Richardson PhD, in addition to 30 years of clinical/teaching experience of Dr. Gavin Hamer, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, Dip MT (NZ) has been brought together in an evidence based, clinically functional manner. It is presented with clarity, along with excellent support material. The participant will come away with a comprehensive system to treat this interesting and rewarding region, utilizing effective treatment rationale and exercise science.
Course Dates To Be Offered:
Mar 2, 2019 to Mar 3, 2019 | Peyton CO
Apr 12, 2025 to Apr 13, 2025 | Applewood CO